Saturday, 26 February 2011

Radio Advert

As an ancillary task I need to produce a radio advert, advertising my new local newspaper.
In my research I haven't yet found any local radio advert examples yet I can for mainstream newspapers, although I can't find examples to show you, even though they're played on the radio, strange I know. Mainstream radio stations like 'Capital FM', 'Kiss 100' etc. all play newspaper radio advert, getting the newspaper out to the audience. The adverts don't usually have background music, and use a male voiceover. The male voiceover talks in an exciting tone of voice, as he's trying to interest and excite the audience. The main newspaper that uses radio adverts is 'The News of the World', they tease the audience with an exclusive story that will be coming out in the next issue, using the word 'exclusive' gives the audience the impression that this story wont be found in any other newspaper, having this may keep the newspaper fresh in the audiences mind, with the thought of it being exclusive. The fact of it being exclusive will also give it a competitive advantage and a powerful image. Their exclusive stories are usually about celebrity scandals or interviews with celebrities. The advert will then repeat the name of the newspaper at the end, to subconsciously store the name. Although, looking at a local newspaper, these types of exclusive stories will not be present, especially in the way of celebrity ones. The advert is more likely to talk about what you can find in the paper, the type of news that will be included and tell you what news is going to be in that weeks issue, for example, the score from that weeks local football match. The radio advert needs to make the audience want to read or buy the paper, to make them interested in the product.
Like I've just explained, I haven't been able to find any examples of local newspaper radio adverts, so I took it upon myself to speak to an editor of a local newspaper who informed me that local newspaper radio adverts don't exist, which is why I couldn't find any examples. Due to this set back I've looked elsewhere for advert examples that weren't mainstream papers, but new newspaper adverts. I've now found an example for a new newspaper that's only recently been released called 'I'. So I'm going to take this as my influence, although it is a TV advert. However, I believe that this TV advert is suitable to use as an influence for my radio advert as the script for the advert is very radio like, I will try to find an example of this advert and post it at a later date.
My plan is to create a radio advert that promotes the newspaper, rather then describing the content of the newspaper. I will be doing it this way as the plan of an advert for a new newspaper is to make the audience aware of the newspaper, so that the brand stays in the audiences head, rather then going in and out. This advert will hopefully make the audience keep their eyes out for my paper the 'Thanet Messenger' when they're next out shopping, and will make them think of my paper when they're planning to buy a newspaper to get their local news.
I am between decisions about having a backing track behind my advert at the moment, yet if i do have one it will be very low in the background, this is so that it wont draw attention away from the purpose of the advert and wont interrupt my voice, as I'm going to be using my voice for the advert, as people will be able to relate to my voice as it will be similar to their own.

The script will be coming soon.

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